Tampa's Downtown

Matina Allen

Matina Allen

Administrative Assistant

Matina oversees the everyday operations of the Partnership as the Administrative Assistant. Matina has a teaching background, as she was a high school and middle school math teacher for almost 10 years. She graduated from the University of South Florida in 2014 and has been living in the Tampa area for 12 years and is beginning her exploration of Tampa’s Downtown.  


Since working at the Partnership, Matina has learned so much about Downtown Tampa and its development and she is excited to now be a part of it with the many projects, events, and community engagement opportunities occurring through the Partnership.   

My Favorite Thing to Do in Downtown

Eat! There are so many small and large restaurants in the Downtown area that have amazing vibes and flavors. It never gets old finding another gem to fall in love with and make it the go-to-spot to eat with the family.

Tampa's Downtown

Become A Member

Come to a meeting. Join a committee. We look forward to hearing how we can help you shape Tampa’s future!