2025 Fly Fishing Film Tour

The Fly Fishing Film Tour is presented by Tampa Bay Waterkeeper, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to protecting, improving and preserving the Tampa Bay watershed.

The highly anticipated 19th Annual Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T) is back and ready with a curated selection of the best fly fishing films from around the world. Anglers, outdoor enthusiasts, and adventure seekers are invited to join the tour as it visits cities nationwide, showcasing stunning cinematography, unforgettable stories, and the heart-pounding excitement of fly fishing. This year’s event promises to be the biggest yet, with a diverse lineup of films that highlight remote locations, unique challenges, and the passionate anglers who pursue them.

The F3T is more than just the film: the shows aim to create community, inspire, encourage and support conservation efforts worldwide and right at home in Tampa Bay. Proceeds from this showing of the film benefit Tampa Bay Waterkeeper. So get ready to kick back, drink a beer or your beverage of choice, and enjoy the cinematography that will get you stoked for the fishing ahead.