Join our 2nd annual St.Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt, part of the Mayor’s River O’Green Fest in downtown Tampa’s Curtis Hixon Park. This year, the Scavenger Hunt will feature an Adult as well as a family friendly Kids Edition. DESCRIPTION Join our 2nd annual St.Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt, part of the Mayor’s River O’Green Fest in downtown Tampa’s Curtis Hixon Park. This year, the Scavenger Hunt will feature an Adult as well as a family friendly Kids Edition. The Kids Edition “Hidden Leprechaun” runs from 11am – 3pm inside Curtis Hixon Park and along the Riverwalk. It is stroller friendly and can be completed within an hour. A fun activity to keep the whole family entertained while trying to spot the 10 hidden Leprechauns. Tickets are $10 per family/group (6 max) with proceeds benefiting the Salvation Army. Each group will receive one raffle ticket for a chance to win a grand prize sponsored by IKEA. How – What – When: 1. Starting at 11am, pick up a Leprechaun Map from our registration tent at Curtis Hixon Park (600 N Ashley Dr). 2. Find as many of the 10 hidden Leprechauns as you can and mark their location on the map. 3. Return your map to our registration tent before 3pm. 4. Receive your raffle ticket for a chance to win the Grand Prize. 5. Raffle drawing will be streamed via Facebook Live on Mon, March 19th, 2pm. All winners will be notified by email. The Adult Edition “Legless Leprechaun” runs from 4pm – 9pm (pre-register between 12-4pm). The Hunt starts at Curtis Hixon Park then ventures into downtown Tampa and Ybor to complete 15+ riddles at participating bars and venues for a chance to win a Tampa Staycation and other local prizes. You’ll discover drink specials and rumor has it, there may even be a few free shots along the way! Tickets are $20/person with proceeds benefiting Meals on Wheels. You can enter individually or as a team of 2-5. How – What – When: 1. Round up your team (2-5) or join as a lonely Leprechaun (Register online or in person).2. Starting at 4pm, pick up your Scavenger riddles from our registration tent at Curtis Hixon Park (600 N Ashley Dr). 3. Solve 15+ riddles in Downtown Tampa and Ybor in 5hrs or less (4pm-9pm) 4. Finish before 9pm at Gaspar’s Grotto in Ybor (Or send us a photo of your completed riddle sheet plus name and email) 5. Receive one raffle ticket for each riddle solved and bonus task completed. 6. Each ticket earns you an entry into the “Tampa Staycation” drawing and other awesome prizes. 7. Raffle drawing will be streamed via Facebook Live on Mon, March 19th, 2pm. All winners will be notified by email. Your Ticket includes:– Free St.Patrick’s Day souvenir beads.– One free beer at the Mayor’s River O’Green Fest. – Free Welcome Shot at participating bars. – Free TECO StreetCar rides to commute between downtown and Ybor. – Fun bar games, tasks and surprises. – Discounted food & drink specials at participating venues. Ticket Link: Share this event Event Details Start Date Mar 17, 2018 Expired! End Date Mar 31, 2025 Mar 17, 2018 Expired! Time 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm Location Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park 600 N Ashley Dr, Tampa, FL 33602 Category Featured Events Partnership Events Special Event + Add to Google Calendar + iCal / Outlook export