Downtown Area Shared Hubs (DASH)

Downtown Area Shared Hubs (DASH)

DASH (Downtown Area Shared Hubs) is a hub to hub transit service. Rides are requested through an app and cost $2 per person. With over twenty virtual hubs, DASH is a great way to get around and explore Downtown easily

Download the DASH App Today!

Download the app and DASH to your destination!

– Apple

– Android 

The vehicles are also 100% electric and hailed through the app.

DASH Hub Map

DASH is a flexible transit service; hubs may be adjusted by Partnership staff to better service Downtown. Please visit the DASH Tampa App for day-to-day changes and the most up-to-date information.


The DASH drivers are part of the Partnership’s Downtown Ambassadors team. Their mission is to create a welcoming and safe Downtown environment. They act as eyes and ears on the street, staying informed about all Downtown has to offer. 

DASH Accesibility

We offer accessible services for persons with disabilities. Wheelchair accessible rides are provided by Wheelchair Transport Service, a DASH Tampa partner. Passengers are encouraged to call ahead to request a ride at 813-540-3333 or by emailing

need help getting around?

View Our Interactive Map!