Company-wide member pricing at all Partnership events
Invitation to attend member mixers and member-exclusive events
Opportunity to attend exclusive behind the scenes tours
Invitation to participate in Partnership Committees
Opportunity to include company announcements in “The Insider” – the Partnership’s monthly member e-newsletter
Opportunity to include company announcements in “Monday Morning Memo” – the Partnership’s weekly e-newsletter
Opportunity to include company events on the Partnership website
Company directory listing on Partnership website
Opportunity to partner with Partnership staff to host member events
The Tampa Downtown Partnership has a large and active community of member companies committed to promoting smart growth and advancing Downtown Tampa’s position as the vital urban center for the region.
The Partnership’s Membership is comprised of a broad range of stakeholders, including national corporations, locally owned businesses, civic organizations, government agencies, Downtown property owners, arts and cultural institutions, and a large collection of companies that conduct business Downtown.