Do the Local Motion returns to get people moving while learning about Tampa

Do the Local Motion is back this October with free guided walking tours of Downtown Tampa, highlighting the area’s architecture, public art or historical locations. Guided tours are a great way to uncover local culture, both indoors and outdoors, with an informed leader. Participants learn about the city and also get a daily dose of exercise, as the walks cover a distance of up to two miles. The tours are kicking off their tenth year in October 2017, and now have a new leader, as the program has been handed off to Where Love Grows.

Do the Local Motion was the innovation of the Tampa Downtown Partnership, one of the founding partners of the Bike/Walk Tampa Bay coalition. Once a Tampa Downtown Partnership program is seeded, it is transferred to a trusted community partner to continue its expansion and growth. Vicki Anzalone from Where Love Grows has been the with the Local Motion program from its beginnings nine years ago, making the transition easy. Where Love Grows’ mission is to end childhood hunger beginning in our community.

The Tampa Downtown Partnership will continue to sponsor the walks. According to Karen Kress, Director of Transportation and Planning for the Tampa Downtown Partnership, “The Tampa Downtown Partnership supports these fun walking tours for a few reasons. Not only can we showcase our beautiful downtown, we can show people that walking is often the quickest way to get between destinations. It also offers the opportunity to sneak in some pedestrian safety tips!”